- Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew Destroyed Baracoa, Cuba Last Night

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Baracoa was virtually destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. We are joining with other organizations to raise money through the CCS Lifeline Funds for supplies to go to Baracoa via the quickest route possible. Please send donations asap, we'll be publishing a list of donors (with your permission) and amounts (same) and let you know where we've contributed. Global Links is already preparing to send supplies as early as next week. If you send money to the Center (tax deductible donation) please note specifically that the contribution is FOR BARACOA. 

Mil gracias. I feel especially sad because our family was in Baracoa in late March celebrating sister Mimi's birthday, and sharing birthday cake with the town historian, Alejandro Hartman, who turned 70 on March 30. while we were there. As the proud keeper of Baracoa's fierce legacy,Hartman must be as devastated as his town. 

- Sandra

