Welcome from Executive Director

Welcome to our new website!
If you’re already a Center for Cuban Studies (CCS) member or contributor, I’m sure you’ll like our new look. If this is your first visit, I can tell you that we’ve made navigating all of our terrific information and gorgeous images much easier! Instead of two websites, one for art and one for CCS and Cuba news, we now have just one.
This is a new era in U.S.-Cuba relations and our new website, with three streams – art, travel, Cuba/CCS news – will help you get all of our news, information and images faster, and better. Our new site helps you discover what’s happening on the political and socio-economic landscape. It lets you explore the latest works from artists we love and showcase in our gallery events. What better way to discover Cuba and start planning that special trip you’ve been putting off for too long?
Traveling to Cuba on one of our customized journeys may change your life as much as it’s changed mine. Whether you’re looking at the performing arts or current economic changes, you’ll learn almost too much in a short time!
At the heart of what we do here is our passion for Cuba and its people. I’ve been helping people travel to Cuba since we opened the Center in 1972. My mission to connect people to the island’s art, beauty and culture has only expanded with the years. Whether Cuba touches you through the art we bring directly from the island or the travel we share with you, our hope is that you come home still intrigued, a bit in love, and with more questions than when you started. Then we’ll know we’ve done our job.
Sandra Levinson
Executive Director