Lifeline Food Baskets

Those of you who have traveled with us, attended gallery events or otherwise joined with us in solidarity activities over the past many years know that we are foremost a community of individuals unified by a spirit of humanity and a love for Cuban culture and the Cuban people. We share a common bond, whether it be with the guides, drivers and B&B owners who welcome and care for us as guests when we visit, the artists who bring that culture into our lives and to the global stage or as donors whose own generosity supports the Center and its staff through the most difficult times politically.
We know that at the best of times, many of the basic elements of a healthy and comfortable life can be difficult to obtain for most Cubans. In times of crisis, after natural disasters, political barriers like travel restrictions and the embargo, or now, with Covid-19, daily living can become an actual challenge. Our LIFELINE FUND exists to ease the pain of hose in our community in Cuba who have shown so much generosity of spirit to us.
Today, HEALTHY FOOD IS IN SHORT SUPPLY. You can make a difference in the daily lives of our Cuban friends. Thanks to a partnership with an organic farm in Havana, we are able to purchase and deliver food relief baskets to members of our community in Havana, as well as help others throughout the country to buy more food. A DONATION OF $70 buys the basic basket and contains pork, fish, bananas, mangoes, guava, pineapple, avocados, okra, spinach, tomatoes, chives, garlic bulbs, black beans, cheese and yogurt. For $30 extra, the recipient will receive double portions of meat and other products.
You can decide whether you want your basket(s) to go to a particular family or leave the recipient up to us. For now, food baskets can only be delivered in the greater Havana area. We are providing LIFELINE FOOD BASKETS to each of our community families we know are in need. Our original goal was to reach between 70 and 100 families, but there are many many more who need our help. IF YOU ARE A CURRENT CCS MEMBER OR JOIN NOW (at a special rate of $50, the student/senior rate), you can designate a Havana family of your choice to receive a basket.
Participating is easy. You may donate to the Lifeline Fund by clicking on the link at the top of the page or by filling out the form that follows. Choose whether you are leaving the recipient up to us or if you want to designate someone. Once you donate, we will call or email you if we need information about the recipient family’s contacts. (We need full name, full address and telephone number). We want to ensure that the food reaches your recipient. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND FOR LETTING OUR CUBAN FRIENDS KNOW WE CARE.